Trust Flashpark's car park management system to remove the headache of protecting your private parking
Parking spaces in towns, cities and even villages are often scarce and expensive. In central London a parking space has sold for £400k leaving those of us who have small private car parks or private parking spaces increasingly tasked with protecting our land. However, this has become much easier with the help of Flashpark's simple and cost-effective car park management service.
Protecting your private parking spaces
Having to deal with drivers parking in private spaces is a major headache for people who own pubs, restaurants, shops and other commercial and private property in the UK. With parking spaces dwindling and charges increasing, many drivers risk parking on private property to avoid the penalties that are in place on the public highway. This can cause major problems for those tasked with car park management when spaces set aside for staff and customers are taken. The issue can even affect private residences in busy areas and city centres. The solution is to sign up to Flashpark's easy parking car park management system.
Generate the revenue from car parks
ScanPark was developed to provide private landlords and businesses with an alternative to pay and display machine. ScanPark™ is the latest motorist friendly payment platform that allows landlords to generate the revenue from car parks, without having to incur the expenses of a pay display machine, or to employ parking attendants.
There are three types of car park management for private land:
patrol and ticketing by a warden
self-ticketing (when the landlord takes a photo and collects evidence of a parking violation)
ANPR (when cameras record licence plate registrations and compare them to a database. Used in retail parks and shopping centres)
The industry is subject to government regulation, and we are waiting for a single code of practice to be released shortly.
How do I get started with Flashpark's car park management service?
Once you have signed up to our free service, we will send you a welcome email, along with our car park management signs to your home or work address. Our customers rent these signs from us for a small fee and we ask that they are displayed where members of the public who may be looking to illegally use the car park will see them easily. The next step is to take photos of these signs and send them back to us. Once these are approved, you can start your car park management through Flashpark. We offer free advice to anybody who experiences parking problems, click here.
What do I do if someone parks in my private car park?
It really couldn't be easier to issue parking charge notices through our Flashpark system. Once you have set up an account, and it has been approved, you will be able to issue parking notices to drivers. If you notice someone parked in one of your spaces illegally, simply take some clear pictures of the car, in which it is also possible to see the signs from Flashpark. Once we receive these pictures, we run the registration number through our system, which links automatically with the DVLA and gives us the contact details for the driver. The government is introducing the code of practice to regulate the activities of private car parks.
We then issue a parking charge notice to the offender with a picture of their vehicle explaining what they did wrong along with details of the fee payable and the date it is due. The charge is due within 14 days.
For more information about how the Flashpark parking enforcement service works click here, or sign up here.